This page is intended to thank somehow all those people that have collaborated and collaborate with this project with ideas, criticism, etc. This website wouldn't be the same without all their collaboration. Thanks for all, here you have some of them:
- nat is the first supporter and critic of the web from the very beginning of the development, and is the responsible that I finally make the clipart myself instead of using unpersonal pictures of food.
- KiKu told me a couple of useful things in the final development stage.
- Bea revised the pre-release version and told me several errors and improvements.
- Txema revised also the pre-release version and gave me some good ideas.
- In my daily chattings with Mr. Vilamasana & Mr. Dantà on dinner time -sorry for boring you with this web all the time ;) - They have given me countless ideas. Thanks specially for the Vilamasana's UNION tip.